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Greek Yogurt Strawberry Breakfast Bowl.


Greek yogurt breakfast bowl, coffee, and a plant

​Growing up, I always wanted a mini bagel with neufchatel cheese and orange juice for breakfast. My go-to these days is often toast with peanut butter or a yogurt margarine spread. I know I should be eating some with more protein or fiber for breakfast, but that's rarely what I crave. Today, though, I tried something really delicious, and I hope it becomes a habit.

In the interest of my February fitness goals, I've been getting better about eating the right amounts of fruits and vegetables each day. I've also been exercising more and trying to up my protein intake. Now that it's March, I'm really trying to push. There are a lot of distractions for me in April, between birthdays and holidays, and I think the month of March will need to see the bulk of my effort if I'm to meet my goals by the start of May. Not if, when I meet my goals!

For breakfast today, I combined one cup of plain, nonfat Greek yogurt with one cup of fresh sliced strawberries, a tablespoon of peanut butter, and some Vietnamese cinnamon (also known as Saigon cinnamon). Let me tell you, this combination was delicious!!!

Nonfat plain greek yogurt

Fresh sliced strawberries
Peanut butter

For those of you who have never tried Vietnamese cinnamon, you are missing out! It's different than the run-of-the-mill cinnamon you buy at the grocery store. Actually, the two come from different plants. Cinnamomum loureiroi, the scientific name for the tasty, exotic version, comes from an evergreen tree indigenous to mainly Southeast Asia. It has a sweeter, stronger flavor than the cinnamon you might be used to. For that reason, I think it's a far superior topping for yogurt and oatmeal. It's also wonderful in apple pies or apple crisp.

You could certainly top your Greek yogurt with any fruit, nut, nut butter, grain, powder, or spice that you wished. I think that banana would have made a wonderful addition to what I had today. Another very healthy breakfast bowl that will keep you felling full for hours is Greek yogurt, cinnamon (of any kind), a couple tablespoons of flax seed meal, and a serving of walnuts. I don't even like walnuts very much, and I think this is a delicious combination.

One breakfast bowl that I haven't tried is the acai bowl. I really want to. I was in Aruba and thought that would be a wonderful place to give it a shot, what with all the fresh fruit, but I never managed to make it happen. I guess I need to plan another trip! I'd love your thoughts on the acai bowl. Is it worth it? What do you include?

I hope you enjoy the Greek yogurt breakfast bowl. Leave comments with your favorite kinds of yogurt mix-ins. I'm always up for trying new things.

Greek yogurt breakfast bowl

Have a great afternoon!


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