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The Sweetest Thing.


Cupcake with hearts

I've decided to start a new series of posts called "The Sweetest Thing." In these posts, I'll be featuring things that make my life sweeter--easier, more efficient, more enjoyable, or just more fun! I'll try to seriously reflect on what shows I've been watching, products I've been using, or books I've been reading to give you relevant advice for things to check out that you might like, too!

(It's really great that I've named this site "Sweet Frivolity" so I can have a fun series name like this. It's also really great that it's the title of one of the best U2 songs. Not the reason for its selection, but an added bonus!)

I'll start off this series strong with one of my favorite things of all time.

My Purple Keurig (And Coffee)

I have a purple Keurig one-cup coffee maker at home. It's small; you can't even fit a standard-sized travel mug underneath. (It's a K10 Mini Plus, I believe.) But it's bright purple and makes me one perfect cup of coffee at a time.

Purple Keurig

I love coffee; its rich, sultry aroma eases me into my day and convinces me that I can tackle the hurdles ahead. With a dash of milk, coffee is a treat; with a cup of frothed milk, a latte is a full-blown dessert.

Coffee and laptop

I drink at least one cup of coffee every day. I know that's not a lot, but I'm not attempting to join the ranks of over-caffeinated millennial side-hustlers. One cup in the morning; sometimes another in the afternoon or if I'm headed out in the evening and am a bit sleepy. That's perfect for me. And that's why a one-cup brewer is ideal.

My husband doesn't drink coffee. He does, however, drink tea. There's nothing quite like sitting together, watching a movie, playing Trivial Pursuit, or just chatting while sipping a hot beverage. We also like to go out and indulge at our favorite local coffee shops for a hot beverage and breakfast (me, usually a latte and a bagel; him, usually an Earl Grey and a pastry).

Picnic with fine china teapot and cups

Coffee is both everyday and special. It's a mainstay of my morning and a favorite special outing. What other beverage is so great it's an activity unto itself? I suppose wine nights have become a thing. But meeting a friend or client at a coffee shop? That's a truly great thing. Versatile and accessible to all.

I like to save money and help the environment whenever I can, so I don't buy disposable K-cups for my Keurig. Instead, I use four disposable filters that my husband bought me at Target probably five years ago. Two are red and two are black, and they allow me to brew whatever kind of coffee I want, one cup at a time. They're easy to use and easy to clean. I highly recommend them if you have a Keurig machine.

Chair with books and coffee mug

It's cold and gray outside today, and I'm thinking I might stay inside this weekend and be cozy with some books and some coffee. Is there really anything sweeter than that?


P.S. - I totally have "The Sweetest Thing" by U2 stuck in my head! I supposed there are worse things. :-)

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